
Star Media PR Group literally lives and breathes media and innovation. Our PR Agency mission is to offer only the best PR services aimed at jumpstarting your business’s branding campaign. Our bold and unique public relations campaigns attract users, investors, and other key relations in helping you achieve the online web presence you desire.

Branding Applications

We’ve collected the city’s most sought-after branding and marketing specialists to help our branding teamwork most effectively. Our firm treats each and every project that passes through our doors as if it were our own. We’re passionate about creating the most innovative and successful branding applications for your business’s product or service. Once we’ve taken you on as a client our firm will work relentlessly until we’ve specifically identified and produced the stories and supplemental media that will leave customers wanting to know more! Our well-established culture provides an environment for our employees that encourages engagement and out of box thinking. We believe that small businesses are the way of the future and want to take yours there.

Building Web Presence

Making sure that you’re small business stays afloat in today’s economic forecast can feel like a never-ending task. But don’t stress, we’re here to help! We’ve perfected the art of managing tight budgets and allocating resources to keep your company active and present in today’s social media market and have found that diligence and consistent effort is the only way to ensure the continued success of your online media presence.

Social Media Promotion

In regards to our media relations department, our staff attracts media attention to the world’s most significant consumer and trade publications – both online and in print. On the other hand, in social media, our team promotes community awareness and local outreach campaigns. And finally, on the SEO front, our firm raises the company’s rankings in Google search by using a combination of on-site optimization and link construction techniques.

We take pride in our proactive and original approach to modern branding techniques and are always looking for additional opportunities to promote our client’s growth.

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