LOS ANGELES, June 4, 2020 ( – Dr. Anthony Mobasser, an expert Los Angeles cosmetic dentist, has fully incorporated the ADA’s toolkit for re-opening in the pandemic. Designed by the American Dental Association, the toolkit is a blueprint to, in their own words, “help dentists navigate this unprecedented time for their practices, staff, and patients.”
The toolkit explains in detail how dental professionals can offer non-emergency care safely. This includes proper and safe ways to set up a reception area and treatment rooms, ways to better protect patients, staff, the doctor, all of the supplies, and PPE required for a dental practice. Additionally, it also has information about the safe way to register patients in the office, details for appointment screening, and much more.
Dr. Mobasser has been providing exclusively emergency care since California’s “shelter in place” order. Over the course of three decades, Dr. Mobasser has placed more than ten thousand dental veneers in Los Angeles and the surrounding area. Nicknamed “The Celebrity Dentist,” he provides cosmetic dentistry services for stars of television, movies, music, and more.
“The ADA toolkit is a welcome blueprint for returning to non-emergency cosmetic dentistry. In terms of COVID-19, a dentist can be the ‘first line of attack,’ so to speak. As our jobs are entirely focused upon a patient’s oral care, every safety protocol must be adhered to that could potentially keep the patient, staff, and dental professionals safe. I sincerely hope that all my fellow cosmetic dentists join me in following this toolkit to the letter. Cosmetic dentistry, after all, is not just about the beautification of the teeth. It’s to ensure that the patient’s oral health is at the optimum level and the patient is going to keep their teeth for the rest of their life. Health and function are an important component of cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles. By following the ADA toolkit completely, my staff and I will be able to provide our patients with the same high degree of care we have for decades,” said Dr. Mobasser.
Dr. Mobasser has provided full mouth reconstructions and he specializes in porcelain veneers in Los Angeles and the surrounding area with a 100% success rate.
For more information about cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles, veneers in Los Angeles, or to make a press inquiry, contact Dr. Mobasser at (310) 550-0383.

Source: Celebrity Dentist