Salt Scrubs From The Secret Of The Island

secret of the islands sea salt scrubs

salt scrubSalt Scrubs From The Secret Of The Island

One could give up after trying several creams that promise excellent results on the skin. Most of the common products in the market are made from chemical which could have adverse effects on your skin. There are cases of individuals who have tried used some of these “modern day” products and ended up in critical conditions. Most of these products which are made in the laboratory have artificial ingredients which find their way into your blood stream. Traces of hazards elements such as mercury have been found in many of the beauty products that are in the current market. Everyone understands both the long term and short term effects of such chemicals. It can take years before you do away with the effects that were as a result of a single application. What you apply on your skin should be given same attention as to what you eat since at the end of the day, it will find its way into your body.

Understanding how your skin care was made can save you big time. Many of the products that you will find at the corner shop only indicate the ingredients used. This is not enough since the initial source could be contemporary. More so, many manufactures tend to leave out the harmful traces in the list the particulars used. It is a common practice for manufactures to indicate only the positive results and leave out the side effects in an effort to boost their sales. In some instances, the long term effects can take years before they show up which could be outside the time span for testing.

Secret of the Islands Lemongrass Sea Salt Scrub 8oz JarHowever, this does not mean you take chances with a product that is not fully understood. Your skin being the largest organ in the body deserves the maximum care possible.For centuries, the natives of Bahamas have had a special recipe for making salt scrubs for soothing the skin and also doing away with bad odor. These products having been in use for hundreds of years have excellent results and no known side effects. They are made from naturally occurring ingredients and extracts from pineapples, ginger, apples and others added to introduce variety. Unlike other products which specify that you apply them for only certain parts, these salts scrubs can be applied to the whole body and helps keep the skin nurtured. The natives of Bahamas also knew the salts had soothing effects and the scents could help relax the mind soul and the skin.The Secrets of the Islands has different products that help to cover the various customers’ preferences. Visit our shops for a wide selection of skin care products or our website where you will find a detailed description of the salt scrubs. We accept various payment options such as visa, America express and MasterCard.  Once the necessary payment is done, you shopping will be delivered to the mailing address provided. Try the Bahamas salt scrubs and live to tell a story.

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