Spring Into The Spotlight: PR Strategies For Lawyers

public relations specialist

In the vibrant landscape of Los Angeles, standing out as a law brand is challenging but crucial for growth and success. The key? Strategic public relations orchestrated by specialists who know exactly how to harness the power of the season. This spring, it’s your time to bloom in the spotlight with STAR PR Media Group…

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Bad and Just Plain Wrong Advice For Press Release Writing

Any sort of good press release writing advice is going to tell you not to offer a press release if you don’t have anything real to say. It will tell you to hit the biggest notes with your press release, to keep it concise, to keep it direct, and to avoid the click-bait notions of…

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Has Press Release Writing Lost its Edge?

Press Release Writing

Yes, press release writing has lost its edge, but let’s face it, press releases only had an edge during that short period when they helped your Google search engine ranking. Yet, if press releases have lost their edge, their power, and their impact, then how come some companies use them to great success? This article…

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What if Other People Do My Press Release Writing?

press release writing

We all know that press release writing helps with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and it can even help drum up support and traffic for your website and your social media accounts. The problem is that it isn’t nearly as powerful in terms of SEO as it used to be. Plus, it is very difficult to…

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Star Media Group is at the Forefront of Public Relations Media and Innovation

Sam Solakyan

Los Angeles-based firm Star Media PR Group is revolutionizing the public relations landscape, constantly aiming at firing up your business’s branding campaign. Their gallant approach to their clients’ publicity and promotion in the world of today is paving a bold new road towards the future of public relations. Star Media Group is focused on using…

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Press Releases and Their Purpose

Many today don’t even know what a press release is, so here goes: it’s information that is garnered for a client usually by a journalist (if you’re lucky), and then sent out to international press releases distribution service, who in turn send it to search engines and approved email addresses. It is mainly websites that…

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Press Releases Are More Important Than Ever

press release

In the digital age, far from being a decrepit practice, press releases are more valid than ever before. It would be easy to assume otherwise when the various social media devices available at your fingertips can see you spread your information worldwide in five minutes. After all, what did you used to do with the…

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The Successful Journey Of Sam Solakyan As An Entrepreneur And Immigrant

Sam Solakyan is a well-known entrepreneur in California. However, achieving his success was not easy. He needed to deal with a lot of hurdles to help him get to where he is now. But Sam Solakyan’s achievement is influenced significantly by his life experiences as an immigrant. Just like most of the immigrants in the…

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