Trauma and Beyond is Now Offering Training and Consultation to Provide Trauma Informed Care for Addiction Treatment and Mental Health Centers

Trauma Informed Care

LOS ANGELES, August 30, 2018 ( – Trauma and Beyond is now offering training and consultation to provide trauma informed care for trauma informed care. Often some of the staff working in addiction treatment are in recovery from addiction and trauma. While psychotherapists may be trained in counter-transference, the line staff that usually spend the most time with clients…

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Trauma and Beyond Psychological Center in Sherman Oaks, California Announced the Opening of Two New Groups

Psychological Center in Sherman Oaks

These trauma informed groups will offer a lower cost alternative to individual psychotherapy. Sherman Oaks, CA, August 1, 2018 ( – trauma treatment in Los Angeles. The groups will incorporate skills from several well-known treatment modalities for dealing with traumatic stress and addressing the functional unity of the mind and body. Somatic Experiencing (SE), the Trauma Resiliency…

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