How to Get Better at Press Release Writing

Press Release Writing

These days, press release writing is a little old hat. There was a craze for it at one time when somebody realized it helped your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). But, as with all things of this nature, along came the whales to ruin it with seventeen press releases per day, ranging in topic from their revenue reports to how often their fire extinguishers are refilled. These days, if you are getting into the press release side of the business, you need a few tips that work with modern promotional tactics. Here are a few tips to help you improve your press release writing.

Make Your Purpose Very Clear

Anything other than very obvious transparency will have your press releases marked as spam and pointless. People have no tolerance for reading press releases that try to draw them in with intrigue, hot takes, or misleading titles. You are lucky that people are even bothering to read your title, so do not betray their trust by trying to create interest. If people have interest, they will know it from the very transparent, very clear, very concise title.

Keep Things Very Concise

People want to know what you have to say in a very brief parcel of information. If you need to give deeper details or a fuller picture, then send people to a website or directory where they can find out more. Even if you feel the information is vitally important, you need to find a way to make it concise and then direct people to where they can find out more.

The Style Should Suit the Content

A dry and clinical press release is fine, but there are times when you can be a little more creative. If your press release is about the tires you have just finished manufacturing as prototypes for Jaguar, then keep things professional. On the other hand, if you have finally finished a PC game and you are moving out of an Alpha phase, then a little more fanfare is okay.

Diversify Your Publication Platforms

You will be surprised at just how many places allow you to post your press releases. Don’t just look to classic news channels and social media. For example, if you have just released your video from an alpha phase, then the Steam news feed is a great place to put your press release. Also, do not be afraid to catalog your press releases on your website so that YouTube content creators and news outlets can grab updates on days when they are searching for ideas for content. You will be surprised how much value they can pull from a backlog of press releases.

Get Help Writing Your Press Releases

Writing a press release is pretty easy, but writing one that works in today’s publishing environment is pretty tricky. As a result, you are probably going to need some help from professionals. With that in mind, strongly consider using the services of the STAR MEDIA PR GROUP. With a team of dedicated experts, you get top-notch service at a fair price. Press release writing has never been easier.

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