Sam Solakyan – Working to Make Things Better

We all want the world to be a better place. You see catastrophes happen on television, or learn of someone struggling in your local community, and wish you had the capability, time, or money to do something to cause a change and help out. While most of us have the best of intentions, it is not everyone that can step to the forefront, do something, and be a vehicle that can help change things for the better. It takes a particular person with a level of commitment to do something that can change the life of one person or many. Sam Solakyan is one such person, and he has dedicated a significant portion of his life working for change to make the world a better place.

Sam Solakyan and His Devotion

He has been a hard worker for all his life. From the time he and his family emigrated to America in 1984, he has had a strong entrepreneurial spirit. His hard work has paid off for him along the way as he has formed successful companies. In 2003, he formed Global Holdings, Inc., a firm that incorporated several companies that followed through on his passions to provide quality help and therapeutic service to others. His companies have employed many and worked hard to give a better, healthier life for thousands of people.

Sam Solakyan

Sam’s Dedication to Children

Sam Solakyan has dedication and devotion that goes beyond the business world. He’s always seen it important to give back to the community, therefore he has many endeavors to help local areas. Charitable ventures such as Serve the People and Glendale Healthy Kids are just some of the associations that Sam has helped along the way. He has also been a strong advocate for Project Save a Child and the Filipino Children’s Foundation. Sam understands the critical problems that have taken hold in society and threatens our children. He works diligently and is vocal about raising awareness and getting assistance for children in need.

Spreading Sam’s Message

Sam Solakyan is just one prime example of how someone who works hard can rise up and become a force that allows them to help society in different words. We at Star Media PR Group know it is important to spread the word about people like Sam. Indeed, part of our mission is to start campaigns that help bring recognition and notice to users, individuals and businesses. To learn more about the services we can offer you, contact us at (323) 772-5204. We can talk about our about branding services and promotional efforts to promote growth. We will be happy to answer all the questions you may have. Alternatively, if you prefer to get in touch by sending us a message, you can use our online contact form. Just fill it with your contact details, your name, and your message, so a member of our staff can get
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